Julius Fall Winter 09-10

Walter Van Beirendonck Fall Winter 09-10

Found these on a french fashion website entitled Totem and I could not resist these two collections, only selecting some of the looks that I really liked to post on my blog.
I was drawn to the rad black Julius pants which are totally kick ass. I'm usually more interested in tops but I could definitely use a pair of pants like these. I'm a sucker for neutral coloured clothing so me and Julius definitely hit it off but the colours from Walter Van Beirendonck's collection also caught my attention. His designs are strongly reminiscent of woven pipe cleaners, and not just any kind of pipe cleaners but high-end ones of course! Can anyone say kindergarten arts and crafts time?
Click here to check out more Totem fashion.
xxX, Mishap
Hahah thank you, I appreciate it. I wish we were still together, but shit went down and we had to break up. Interpersonal bullshit always ruins things.
Hahah and yes, I was really quite drunk, you can tell by my spastic movements. Sometime soon I'm having a solo show in Toronto at an art gallery / show / thing. I'll let you know when it is if you're interested.
Happy mothers day!
JK Arts & Crafts make me happy
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